SSiP Accreditation

SSiP Accreditation

Safety Schemes in Procurement

What is SSiP?

Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) is the mutual recognition scheme for occupational health and safety standards particularly within construction. SSIP facilitates mutual recognition between health and safety pre-qualification schemes saving time, effort and cost of multiple certifications.

Most Client organisations, as part of their due-diligence responsibilities, are now requiring Contractors to undergo pre-qualification to determine their suitability to tender. The pre-qualification process can be greatly reduced if an organisation has already subscribed to a SSIP (Safety Schemes in Procurement) scheme such as SMAS, Safe Contractor, CHAS, Constructionline etc., although Clients such as major contractors and local authorities often ask for more, via their own portals or pre-qualification questionnaires.
South Wales Safety Consultancy Limited can assist clients, principal designers, designers, contractors and sub-contractors with this process, to make it an easier and less time-consuming task.
If you would like to learn more about our SSIP/PQQ services, please get in touch with our in-house SSIP Administrator Nina, on (029) 2062 8763. 

We will be happy to explain how we can assist and provide you with a very competitive quotation.
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